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Cookie Clicker


About Cookie Clicker


Cookie Clicker is a completely free online fun game on computers and phones. Enjoy the busy baking time and collect interesting items.

For each click the player takes on the massive cookie on the screen, they earn one cookie. If you have enough cookies, you can update your cursors, grandmothers, farms, mines, factories, banks, and other goods so that you can produce cookies without pressing a button. Each upgrade brings about an exponential price increase, costing 15% more than the most recent purchase of a comparable asset. Early on in the game, investing in new upgrade items is almost always preferable to making high-level modifications to the initial, less expensive upgrade. Cursors should be purchased because they are currently functional. By comparing each upgrade item, you can decide how many cookies are needed for a particular upgrade. Open all upgrades to fast-rise to the position of the new Cookie Clicker King.

On our website, you can try some games like Laser Cannon 2, Apple Shooter, Garden Tales, and Halloween Blocks.

How to play

Click on the cake on the screen to continue to produce more cakes and buy items.

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