89 votes 4.3/5

Slope 3


About Slope 3


Slope 3 is an excellent fun running ball game. Control the ball to run downhill spectacularly, avoid the outside world and get a high score.

In Slope 3, there is no limit, you control the ball, control the ball to roll down a series of slopes, pay attention to the path and avoid obstacles. The ball that you control, will not stop and will get faster and faster. When you make jumps, you gain points then you can slow down the ball. There are countless dangers waiting for you on this infinity slope. The foreign obstacles suddenly rushed out, and to avoid obstacles like this is really a very difficult thing. What's more, the ball can also self-reflex, jumping into a deep hole when you hold the ball for too long.

All you need to do is control the ball, avoid obstacles, make beautiful jumps to get points, and then reach the finish line, achieving a high rank on the leaderboard. You may think, this game is easy to play, but you are wrong. Control the ball to move at the right pace and avoid obstacles is very difficult. The ball moves very quickly, sometimes making it difficult for you to control. In addition, unexpected obstacles running out will make you unable to turn back. The special thing in this game is the colorful 3D graphics, vivid sound that gives you a real feeling, and the heart-pounding jumps.

Tips: Observe closely, react quickly and it is important that you play a lot, you will get used to it and nothing will make it difficult for you.

How to play

On the computer: You use the mouse to move the ball, move left and right to avoid obstacles, and use the arrow buttons or use the hotkey A/Left arrow to move left, and the D/Right arrow to move right. On the phone: Tuch the screen and Swipe left to right and you can move the ball. Try to avoid obstacles, go long distances, and get high scores on the leaderboard.

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